Israel Lobby

April 9, 2024
Peter Oborne revisits his obsession with the Israel lobby

March 26, 2023
Guardian blames Amercian Jews for…fill in the blank

February 8, 2022
The Guardian again promotes Amnesty’s ‘apartheid’ lie, and recycles others

October 10, 2021
Guardian op-ed suggests Jews cry antisemitism to silence criticism of Israel

October 8, 2014
Rev. Stephen Sizer speaks at antisemitic conference in Iran

August 28, 2014
An appeal to Owen Jones: don't associate with anti-Semites

April 27, 2014
‘Fisking’ Robert Fisk’s latest on Israel: distortions, half-truths and fabrications

March 26, 2014
CiF Watch prompts Guardian correction over Iran Sanctions Bill claim

March 6, 2014