Manuel Hassassian
December 14, 2017
Comparing two BBC Radio 4 ‘Today’ interviews – part two
November 12, 2017
BBC Radio 4’s ‘Today’ Balfour Declaration centenary special – part four
July 31, 2017
BBC Radio 4’s ‘Today’ promotes equivalence between violent rioters and victims of terror
July 9, 2017
The missing word in BBC R4 reporting on UNESCO Hebron resolution
February 21, 2017
BBC Radio 4 amplifies PLO interpretation of the two-state solution
April 17, 2016
Guardian legitimizes Palestinian official’s lie about Israeli ‘ethnic cleansing’
November 4, 2014
BBC WS ‘Newshour’ gives platform to PA falsehoods and incitement on Temple Mount
November 5, 2013
David Ward MP : I merely said that ‘Israel should never have been created’.
January 16, 2013