March 17, 2015
(Posthumous) Islamist Comedy Award for Charlie Hebdo
February 16, 2015
Channel 4 News scolds Danish terror survivor for imputing Islamist motivation to gunman
February 2, 2015
Guardian ignores the Zionist conspiracy theory in the room
January 15, 2015
Another Guardian cartoon throws Charlie Hebdo victims under the bus
January 8, 2015
Is a Guardian cartoon on the Charlie Hebdo attack blaming the victims?
May 30, 2014
A perfect illustration of how the PA fools the UK media into believing they're 'pro-peace'
May 22, 2013
Fisking Rachel Shabi: How Dare the Israelis Suggest Palestinians Lied!
October 8, 2012
The Guardian, Muslim rioting and ‘Cause & Effect’.
September 25, 2012