Nazi Analogies
October 3, 2017
Guardian frames university’s stance against racism as “censorship” by the Israel lobby
August 13, 2017
In the Indy, Roger Waters suggests US media conspiracy to silence his anti-Israel views.
April 6, 2017
The Guardian on Ken Livingstone: their best editorial on antisemitism…ever.
March 26, 2017
Indy article about (nixed) UN apartheid report fails to reveal the extremism of its author.
March 22, 2017
UKMW prompts Independent to remove article legitimising the views of anti-Zionist extremist
March 5, 2017
How the Guardian’s decision to publish extremist Tony Greenstein normalises antisemitism
February 23, 2017
Guardian normalises antisemitism without even trying
June 2, 2016
23 reasons why BDS is antisemitic
May 5, 2016