November 19, 2014
CiF Watch prompts correction to false claim that Western Wall is Judaism's holiest site
November 12, 2014
CiF Watch prompts Indy correction to claim about Muslim prayer at the Mount
November 3, 2014
CiF Watch prompts correction to UK newspaper claim Jews 'stormed the mosque'
October 30, 2014
CiF Watch prompts correction to Times of London Palestinian 'bus ban' claim
September 17, 2014
CiF Watch prompts correction to Telegraph claim about Unit 8200 letter
September 10, 2014
CiF Watch prompts correction to Indy claim about Gaza construction materials
August 27, 2014
CiF Watch prompts correction to erroneous Times of London headline
August 18, 2014
CiF Watch prompts revision to Economist claim about MK Zoabi's suspension
July 30, 2014