May 2, 2014
CiF Watch prompts Guardian correction. Robert Serry DID attend Easter ceremony in Jerusalem

April 30, 2014
CiF Watch prompts correction to Robert Fisk’s gross under count of Arab Israelis

April 13, 2014
CiF Watch prompts revision to Financial Times claim about Palestinian prisoners

April 3, 2014
Following CiF Watch post, Guardian corrects false claim in Peter Beaumont report

March 6, 2014
Following CiF Watch post, Guardian removes reference to ‘powerful Jewish lobby’

February 26, 2014
CiF Watch prompts revision to Times headline referring to Haredi Jews as ‘Zealots’ (Updated)

February 4, 2014
CiF Watch prompts correction to false Indy claim that US views settlements as ‘illegal’

January 15, 2014
Death of an anti-Israel lie? CiF Watch prompts 2nd revision to Indy torture story

October 24, 2013