Owen Bennett-Jones
August 17, 2017
Is a BBC WS claim about Israeli politicians true?
June 2, 2017
BBC WS on counter-terrorism: Israeli measure is ‘highly controversial’
February 19, 2017
How the BBC invents ‘new settlements’ with lax language
February 8, 2017
BBC WS radio ‘Newshour’ special from the Gaza Strip – part two
February 7, 2017
BBC WS radio ‘Newshour’ special from the Gaza Strip – part one
July 10, 2016
Another BBC airbrushing of the Quartet report
May 13, 2016
BBC’s mantra on ‘international law’ becomes even less impartial
January 31, 2016
BBC papers over UN HRC connection of Swiss PLO deal broker
November 3, 2015