Peter Kosminsky
June 9, 2015
The wrong side of history? Despite the Guardian’s best efforts, BDS is failing miserably
April 28, 2013
Jon Snow lunges for Richard Millett’s phone at LSE event while questioned on ‘Jewish lobby’ comment
May 12, 2011
Peter Kosminsky’s latest defamation of Israel, & the Guardian’s ongoing double standards
March 6, 2011
The fertile imagination of Peter Kosminsky: Agitprop as history
March 3, 2011
The historical vandalism of Peter Kosminsky
March 1, 2011
More hatred beneath Sherwood’s post (Reader cites Kosminsky’s show, “The Promise”, in wishing for Israel’s demise)
March 1, 2011
Channel 4 is not “Promising” for British Jews
February 28, 2011
Peter Kosminsky acknowledges using testimony from radical NGO as source for “The Promise”
February 22, 2011