Prisoner release
September 13, 2018
BBC WS airbrushes terror out of a story about Palestinian prisoners
August 29, 2015
Which got more cover on BBC News website this week – terror or ketchup?
May 8, 2014
Background to the BBC’s inaccurate framing of the end of Middle East talks
April 8, 2014
BBC claims final tranche of prisoner release included “hundreds” – reader secures correction
April 7, 2014
Crucial background to floundering of ME talks still outside the BBC’s frame
April 4, 2014
BBC opts for equivalence in report on talks breakdown
April 2, 2014
BBC’s selective omissions slant audience view of Israel-PLO talks
April 1, 2014
BBC continues to present an incomplete picture of Israel-PLO talks
March 29, 2014