Quentin Sommerville
February 4, 2024
BBC News website briefing promotes Qatari talking points
February 8, 2022
BBC News again skirts the topic of Hizballah drug trafficking
December 29, 2020
Superficial BBC report on Hizballah drug trafficking
September 11, 2017
A BBC terror indoctrination feature highlights longstanding omission
September 5, 2016
A BBC story from 2015 resurfaces
August 23, 2015
BBC’s Sinai Hamas kidnapping story tells a partial tale
March 2, 2015
BBC’s Sommerville showcases PIJ rearmament but refrains from asking who supplied the weapons
December 28, 2014
BBC report on Christmas in Bethlehem amplifies PA political messaging yet again
December 20, 2014