Saeb Erekat

January 24, 2011
Guardian editorial on Palestine Papers: Ideological Incitement

January 9, 2011
Harriet Sherwood‘s economies of truth

January 4, 2011
Jawaher Abu Rahma – the manipulation of a tragedy

January 3, 2011
Palestinian version of events in Bilin begin to unravel (Abu Rahma Hoax, part 1)

December 28, 2010
“Octomom” and the Palestinian Right of Return

December 21, 2010
When in Guardianspeak is a massacre a “massacre”?

December 21, 2010
Imams Flee Islamophobic Arrests on the West Bank

December 17, 2010
Rachel Shabi’s appalling lack of empathy for Jews expelled from Arab lands

December 14, 2010