Sheikh Jarrah
July 6, 2017
Three facts the Guardian didn’t reveal in their report on Jerusalem ‘settlements’.
April 19, 2015
Guardian publishes essay falsely charging Israel with ethnically cleansing Jerusalem Palestinians
January 24, 2012
International Committee of the Red Cross, Hamas Guardians. (On Fish & House Guests II)
January 5, 2012
His name is Yaakov: How the mainstream media dehumanize Israeli Jews
August 5, 2011
Guardian correspondent’s wish for the Jewish state? That it kindly cease to exist
July 31, 2011
Tel Aviv homeless upset at (Mya Guarnieri-style) far left hypocrisy
May 13, 2011
One hour in Sheikh Jarrah
January 10, 2011
Harriet Sherwood’s Double Standards on Racism
November 24, 2010