Stephen Pollard
February 5, 2013
Steve Bell has fun with antisemitic tropes
January 31, 2013
More than a cartoon: What Jews talk about when they talk about antisemitism
January 29, 2013
A place where Guardian cartoonist Steve Bell can find “real” antisemitism
October 17, 2012
The moral necessity of despair when Arab teachers object to the humanization of Jews
April 24, 2012
Guardian publishes clarification of its Jewish Chronicle smear.
April 22, 2012
The Guardian & Richard Silverstein’s battle to see who can most smear the UK Jewish community
February 3, 2012
CiF Watch Gossip of the Day: Harriet Sherwood “Head Spinning” Edition
July 11, 2011
CiF essay by The JC’s Stephen Pollard elicits vitriol against Israel and ad hominem attacks against Pollard
June 29, 2011