The Economist
July 21, 2014
Economist: Is it possible to understand why Hamas fires rockets at civilians?
June 10, 2014
Economist imperiously lectures Europe's Jews on their exaggerated fears of antisemitism
May 14, 2014
Economist's Nicolas Pelham continues to mislead about Christians in Israel
May 13, 2014
Economist's Nicolas Pelham Deceives About Christians in Israel
May 13, 2014
Did an Economist editor just issue a thinly-veiled threat to CAMERA?
May 11, 2014
CiF Watch prompts Economist correction – admits Kochav Ya'ir is neither fanatical nor a settlement
May 8, 2014
Despite Economist claim, 'fanatical settlement' of Kochav Ya'ir is neither fanatical nor a settlement (UPDATE)
April 4, 2014
The Economist falsely suggests that exports from Gaza are banned.
March 3, 2014