
February 26, 2014
CiF Watch prompts revision to Times headline referring to Haredi Jews as ‘Zealots’ (Updated)

February 25, 2014
Times reporter Catherine Philp refers to nearly half a million Jews as ‘Zealots’

February 11, 2014
Times reporter Catherine Philp falsely claims Oxfam cut ties with Johansson

July 29, 2013
Times story suggesting unequal pay between Jews and Palestinians at SodaStream is “a lie”.

April 16, 2013
Is James Harding’s religion relevant when reporting on his new position at the BBC?

March 18, 2013
The complete Daniel Finkelstein – Michael White Tweet timeline

March 17, 2013
Guardian spin on Michael White’s Jew-baiting begins

March 14, 2013