
Weekend long read

1) At the JCPA Nadav Shragai explains how ‘The Status Quo on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount Has Greatl...

Weekend long read

1) At the INSS, Pnina Sharvit Baruch and Ori Beeri analyse the recent Amnesty International report. ...

Weekend long read

1) At WINEP, Ido Levy looks at ‘Egypt’s Counterinsurgency Success in Sinai’. “Wilayat Sinai ...

Weekend long read

1) NGO Monitor has published a report ‘Deconstructing Definitions of Apartheid that Delegitimise t...

Weekend long read

1) Orna Mizrahi analyses Lebanon’s incoming government at the INSS. “After a delay of more than ...

Weekend long read

1) Jonathan Spyer discusses The Ravaging of Afrin. “Located in the north west corner of Syria, th...

Weekend long read

1) At the BESA Center Anne Herzberg examines the question ‘Should Israel Cooperate with the ICC?â€...

Weekend long read

1) At WINEP Ghaith al-Omari asks ‘Will the Palestinian Election Decree Produce Actual Elections?â€...