Tzipi Livni

March 28, 2016
#BDS is Failing: a continuing series (April 2016)

February 10, 2016
Media bias 101: Guardian smears Israel’s PM with false accusation of racism

November 25, 2014
Times of London again falsely alleges Israeli bill will make Arabs 2nd class citizens

November 24, 2014
Times of London moves false '2nd class Arab citizen' headline to lead story

March 12, 2014
Telegraph cites PLO claim that Israeli bill requiring vote on territorial withdrawal ‘stabs peace efforts’

November 27, 2013
CiF Watch prompts correction to extremely misleading Livni quote at ‘Comment is Free’

November 26, 2013
‘Comment is Free’ uses misleading Livni quote the Guardian previously corrected

June 18, 2013
A headline about real ‘impediments to peace’ you won’t see at the Guardian

April 8, 2013