
Weapon of Dress Destruction

This is a cross-post from Israellycool (for more on Richard Silverstein at Israellycool click here &...

What will they think up next?

Mere Rhetoric is running a poll on what the next media-legitimized anti-Israel canard is going to be...

Quantity Street

The comments threads on CiF often remind me of those tins of mixed chocolates one gets given at holi...

Joining the Dots

CiF Editor Brian Whitaker appears to need some help when it comes to joining the dots. In his recent...

Wilfully Blind

Naivety is inevitably forgivable; wilful blindness cannot be excused. The line between the two was c...

Comment Macht Frei

I spend a good deal of time analyzing the comment threads on ‘Comment is Free’ with the ...

Darkness to Expel

Whilst lighting my Hannuka candles last week I’ve been thinking about the words of the song ‘Ban...