United Nations
June 2, 2015
Hamas entryism at the UN
March 26, 2015
Independent tries to 'balance' report blaming Hamas for July 28 attack on Palestinian kids
March 24, 2015
UK Media Watch prompts Telegraph correction to false charge by 'radical' British artist
March 10, 2015
Telegraph: Israel "argued" that Hamas attacked the country with rockets during the war
February 26, 2015
The Guardian continues to mislead on cause of Palestinian deaths at UN school
December 1, 2014
Matti Friedman helps us understand the Guardian's coverage of Israel
August 3, 2014
The truth about Gaza's civilian casualties: Essay by Col. Richard Kemp
August 3, 2014
Did an official Guardian editorial justify Hamas's use of human shields?
July 28, 2014