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Indy Mid-East reporter’s tweet exposes profound misunderstanding of the conflict

Regardless of whether Netanyahu’s comparison between Hamas and ISIS is accurate, the point is that Hamas – like other Islamist extremist movements – can not be placated in the long-term by Western political concessions.  The antisemitic extremist group’s fundamental grievance isn’t an economic one, but, rather, the continued existence of a Jewish state – and no journalist covering the region can possibly report accurately on the conflict if they fail to comprehend this most basic truth. 

UKMW prompts Times of London to remove gratuitous reference to ‘wealthy Jews’

We sent a complaint to Times of London editors arguing that whilst it’s perfectly fair to note that a significant minority of the residents of the Australian voting district are Jewish, their reference to the wealth of the Jewish residents seemed gratuitous and, though unintended, evoked toxic tropes about the influence of ‘Jewish money’ on democratic politics.