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Guardian obfuscates Israel’s humanitarian aid to Syrians

The Guardian is not interested in articles that challenge their readers’ prejudices against Israel, especially such a counter-intuitive story which offers a glimpse at how Israeli humanitarian efforts has the potential to win some hearts and minds hearts in the hostile Arab world.

Guardian cartoon of Abbas in an Israeli straitjacket illustrates the media’s failure to hold Palestinians responsible.

The failure of media outlets to recognize that Palestinians are more than just victims and, even within the real limits imposed by the occupation, have the capacity to resist violence, hatred, scapegoating and self-pity, and embark on a path of real political and cultural reform, continues to deny news consumers an accurate understanding of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Times of London improves article, but smear that IDF uses “expanding bullets” (against kids) remains

A June 28th article at Times of London once again demonstrates the media’s frequent failure to challenge incendiary and unsubstantiated accusations against Israel by Palestinians or pro-Palestinian campaigners.  The article included a quote by Irish senator David Norris charging that the Israeli army used expanding bullets (aka “Dumb-dumb bullets”) when firing at “children” during Gaza border riots.