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What the Guardian can teach the Czech Ministry of Education about Israel

Following complaints from the Palestinian Ambassador to Prague, the Czech Education Ministry decided that Tel Aviv will replace Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in Czech school atlases used by elementary and secondary school students. “The data in the atlas will be corrected as of the New Year,” a Prague news site quoted a Czech Education Ministry spokeswoman as saying.

Send us examples of bad headlines on Israel in the British media

Headlines have enormous power in shaping news consumers’ immediate impressions of a news story. While pursuing a print or online newspaper, or browsing news sites on your Twitter feed, the headline chosen by editors not only sets the tone for how the article is framed, but often represents the primary source of information on a given issue for those who either quickly skim the article, or don’t read it at all.

Telegraph book review legitimizes appalling anti-Israel propaganda

Even by the low standards we’re accustomed to in our continuous monitoring of the British media’s coverage of Israel, the uncritical review of Ben Ehrenreich book, The way to the spring: life and death in Palestine, which appeared in the Aug. 6 print edition of The Telegraph is appalling. Similar to the Economist review of the same book that we posted about last month, the Telegraph reviewer’s shows extraordinary credulousness in the face of Ehrenreich’s Pallywood tale featuring the Tamimis of the West Bank town of Nabi Saleh.