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March 27, 2018
Guardian editorial on Corbyn antisemitism row omits their own use of toxic tropes about Jews
May 19, 2017
The Guardian’s “Long Read” on Israel – the Old Errors and Misrepresentations Rise Again
November 17, 2016
7 things you should know about the Guardian’s coverage of Israel
September 25, 2016
Hinde Street Church: Now, take down that wall!
June 5, 2016
John Pilger in the Guardian: “Killing children seems like sport for the IDF”
May 3, 2016
A Guardian letter – and why anti-Zionism equals antisemitism
April 27, 2016
On Channel 4 News, Malia Bouattia again justifies Palestinian terrorism (Video)
April 26, 2016
3 questions for Malia Bouattia in response to her Guardian op-ed
April 17, 2016