Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America
November 19, 2017
Guardian frames expulsion of Iraqi Jews in 40s and 50s as “easygoing, pluralistic prosperity”.
October 31, 2017
Financial Times evokes myth of ‘Jews-only roads’ in the West Bank
April 26, 2017
No, Ben-Gurion did NOT say “We must expel Arabs and take their place.”
October 30, 2016
Indy blurs victim and perpetrator in bullying of gay, Jewish pro-peace activist of Mid-East origin
July 18, 2016
Breaking the Silence Gets Failing Grade in Channel 10’s Fact-Check
June 24, 2016
UK Media Watch prompts Telegraph correction to innacurate Michael Oren quote
February 2, 2016
Guardian airbrushes censorship of New York Times photo in Pakistan
February 2, 2016
Times of London Palestinian terrorism related headline fail
January 25, 2016