Phoebe Greenwood

July 15, 2014
Guardian's Jerusalem correspondent takes aim at 'hasbara goons'

January 6, 2014
There’s room at the Inn: More evidence Catherine Philp misled on Bethlehem

June 24, 2013
The Israeli Bedouin issue beyond The Telegraph’s sensationalist headline

June 16, 2013
Arafat Jaradat and the torture of Palestinian prisoners that the Guardian won’t report

June 2, 2013
Guardian misleads on Israeli Druze, part 2: Unreliable Sources

June 2, 2013
Guardian misleads on Israeli Druze, part 1: False claims

April 29, 2013
Harriet Sherwood and Phoebe Greenwood take steps towards understanding Palestinian incitement

April 22, 2013
The Palestinian Marathon and Phoebe Greenwood’s selective credulity.

March 2, 2013