The Arrogance of the Guardian

Picking up on the atrocious editorial in “Comment is Free” yesterday, accusing Israel of being an “arrogant nation that has overreached itself”, Robin Shepherd concludes:

I have tried long and hard to avoid the conclusion that brute anti-Semitism is at the core of the campaign to demonise Israel in Europe, and I still stick to my view that it is an effect of what is going on rather than a cause. But, boy, if ever there were a distinction that is beginning to look difficult to sustain, that is increasingly looking like one of them.

Quite so.

To read Robin’s ever insightful analysis click here.
And if you haven’t read Robin Shepherd’s book “A State Beyond Pale: Europe’s Problem with Israel” please take the time to purchase a copy through Amazon by clicking here. For anyone interested in the subject matter of this blog, Robin’s book has to be number one on the list of must reads.

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