We have a single, short word in Hebrew- “HaMatzav” – which translates as “the situation”, but to any Israeli carries a loaded meaning which belies its brevity.
This past week, “HaMatzav” has been especially difficult, with incessant rocket fire from the Gaza Strip on civilian population centres, attacks on our soldiers patrolling the borders (and not just in the south) and many of our sons and daughters, sisters and brothers, called up and ready to do their part in trying to secure nothing more complicated than a normal life for their own families and their fellow citizens.
This week’s postcard will depart from our usual custom of visiting places of interest in our tiny country. Instead, the images here (taken from news outlets and social media) will try to give a sense of “HaMatzav” during the ‘Colour Red’ alerts which have been going on almost non-stop during the past week – and for the past twelve years.