BBC silent on weapons smuggling to Gaza

On January 4th 2013 the Ma’an News Agency and Associated Press both reported the seizure of weapons on route to the Gaza Strip by the Egyptian authorities in the El Arish area of Sinai. 

“Egyptian authorities seized six U.S.-made missiles in the Sinai Peninsula Friday that security officials said were likely smuggled from Libya and bound for the Gaza Strip. […]

Security officials said that police working on a tip from local Bedouin discovered the six U.S.-made missiles hidden in a hole in the desert outside the northern Sinai city of el-Arish before dawn on Friday. They said the anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles have a range of up to two kilometers (one mile). […]

Last month, security officials seized 17 French-made missiles near el-Arish […] before they could be smuggled through tunnels to the Gaza Strip.”

The BBC has reported nothing of this. Once again, the repeated failure to report incidents which contribute to a build up of tension means that if and when Israel is obliged to react to events resulting from terror organisations rearming themselves, BBC audiences will have no idea of their context or background.


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