About those Gaza Health Ministry casualty figures cited by the BBC…

Despite the plethora of BBC reporters currently on the ground in the Gaza Strip, BBC audiences have not been informed that at least four summary executions of ‘collaborators’ by Hamas have apparently taken place since the beginning of Operation Protective Edge and at least thirteen other people have been arrested.Question Mark
Likewise, BBC audiences have not been informed of reports of Hamas militiamen attacking and injuring Fatah supporters.
Seeing as almost every item of BBC content cites casualty figures provided directly or indirectly by the Hamas-run Ministry of Health in Gaza, perhaps next time Yolande Knell, Lyse Doucet or Paul Adams gives them a call to ask for updates, they could ask whether or not those statistics include people killed and injured by the terror organization whose figures they unquestioningly quote and promote.
And whilst they’re at it, they could also enquire with regard to the results of two separate analyses of casualties in the Gaza Strip (here and here) which both show that a disproportionate number of the casualties to date are males of combatant age. 
After all, BBC audiences have the right to know. 

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