BBC’s Gaza coverage up for award

The Royal Television Society – which lists the BBC among its “principal patrons” – has publicized the shortlist for its Nominations for Television Journalism Awards 2015.

In the category titled “News Coverage – International” we find BBC News coverage of “Gaza” among the nominees.


According to the blurb:

“The RTS Television Journalism Awards celebrate creative and excellent journalism in UK news and current affairs, both by organisations broadcasting in the UK and by companies which supply UK news broadcasters.”

As readers no doubt recall, viewers of BBC television news saw nearly three times more filmed content from the Gaza Strip than from Israel during the 51 days of coverage. Whilst on the second day of coverage the BBC began amplification in filmed reports of the notion of Israeli ‘war crimes’, thirty-six days went by before any mention was made of Hamas’ practice of firing missiles from residential areas and the terror organisation’s use of the local population as human shields was downplayed and even denied throughout.

Whether or not that will be deemed “excellent journalism” remains to be seen.

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