Another vehicular terror attack ignored by BBC News

Last Thursday afternoon – May 14th – four Israeli civilians aged between 16 and 25 were injured when a driver rammed a stolen vehicle into the bus stop near Alon Shvut in Gush Etzion at which they were waiting.

By the evening of the same day the driver had been arrested and it had become clear that the incident was a terror attack.No news

“The suspect was named by the Shin Bet security service as Muhammed Arfaaya, a 22-year-old resident of Hebron. […]

The Shin Bet said that Arfaaya was released from Israeli prison last year, after he served a sentence for carrying a weapon and throwing stones.

According to the Shin Bet, Arfaaya claimed nationalistic motives drove him to hurt the Israelis. The agency was also looking into whether the suspect was incited by calls on social networks to carry out attacks against Israelis.”

Like numerous other recent attacks, this incident was not reported by the BBC.

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