BBC News coverage of terrorism in Israel – November 2016

The Israel Security Agency’s report on terror attacks (Hebrew) during November 2016 shows that throughout the month a total of 95 incidents took place: 84 in Judea & Samaria, nine in Jerusalem and two incidents originating from the Gaza Strip.

The agency recorded 72 attacks with petrol bombs, 17 attacks using explosive devices and four shooting attacks in Judea & Samaria and Jerusalem. There were no incidents of missile fire from the Gaza Strip. One member of the security forces was wounded in a shooting attack near Tulkarem on November 3rd which did not receive any BBC coverage.

Among the additional attacks which did not receive any BBC coverage were an attempted stabbing on November 3rd, an attempted stabbing on November 9th, a petrol bomb attack on November 10th and an IED attack on November 14th.

In conclusion, the BBC News website did not cover any of the 95 attacks during November and since the beginning of the year it has reported 2.96% of the terror attacks which have taken place.


Related Articles:

BBC News coverage of terrorism in Israel – October 2016

Reviewing the BBC News website’s coverage of terror in Israel: April to September 2016

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