BBC’s inconsistent follow-up reporting on terror trials continues

Once again the BBC passes up on follow-up reporting concerning a terror attack.

Earlier this year we noted the BBC’s inconsistent follow-up reporting on terror incidents. While audiences have seen reporting on related legal proceedings months or years later in cases when the perpetrators were Israelis, arrests, trials and convictions relating to attacks carried out by Palestinians very rarely receive follow-up coverage.

Last week three of the perpetrators of an attack that was reported by the BBC nearly two years ago were convicted of manslaughter.

“The Jerusalem District Court convicted Muhammad Abu Kaf, Walid Atrash and an additional unnamed minor of manslaughter for the killing of Alexander Levlovitz on Rosh Hashanah eve two years ago, in an attack marking the beginning of the lone-wolf wave of terrorism.

After the holiday meal, Levlovitz drove two guests home, and was later killed when Palestinians pelted his car with rocks.”

As was also the case when another member of the group that carried out the attack was sentenced last year, the BBC has not produced any coverage of that story.

Reports around the time of the attack which are still available on the BBC News website describe it as follows: [emphasis added]

“Alexander Levlovitz died in a car accident apparently caused by a rock-throwing attack in Jerusalem. […]

Mr Levlovitz died and two passengers were reportedly injured after their car was pelted with stones on Monday. Police are investigating the incident.” (BBC News website, September 16th, 2015)

“An Israeli motorist died earlier in the week in an accident apparently caused by a rock-throwing attack in Jerusalem.” (BBC News website, September 19th, 2015)

Although the circumstances of the attack have since been proven in court, the BBC has once again not shown any interest in providing its audiences with follow-up reporting which would clarify those ambiguous statements and bring its “historical record” up to date.

Related Articles:

BBC’s public purpose remit compromised by failure to report on incitement

BBC’s ‘historical record’ compromised by absence of follow-up reporting

Reviewing BBC News website follow-up reporting on terrorism in Israel



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