Weekend long read

1) NGO Monitor has published a report on ‘The Links between the PFLP and the European Government-funded NGO Network’.

“On October 22, 2021, Israel designated six Palestinian NGOs as terrorist entities due to their links to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP): Defense for Children International-Palestine (DCI-P), Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC), Al-Haq, Addameer, Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees (UPWC), and Bisan Center for Research and Development (Bisan). A seventh – Health Work Committees (HWC) – had been designated in January 2020. The PFLP itself is designated as a terrorist organization by a number of countries and bodies, including the US, EU, Israel, and Canada.

Since then, the NGOs, donor governments, and allies in civil society and the UN have claimed they have not seen anything to justify the designations. The evidence presented in this report – compiled exclusively from open source materials – proves this narrative inadequate and inaccurate.”

2) The ITIC reports on ‘Palestinian Terrorism Against Israel, 2022 Methods, Trends and Description’.

“Several new aspects of terrorist activity in Judea and Samaria surfaced in 2022: The wave of attacks and Israeli security force counterterrorism activities led to the growth of a new type of local network consisting of armed Palestinian terrorist operatives, independent or members of organizations. They do not take orders either from the established terrorist organizations or the PA’s security services. They include the Lion’s Den network and the Nablus Battalion in Nablus and the Jenin Battalion, which was initially composed of operatives from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) military-terrorist wing and which is based in Jenin. In addition, networks which were virtually inactive in recent years were reactivated. The most prominent is the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades (AAMB), until recently affiliated with Fatah. While it does have Fatah operatives, its new identity is generic and it is mostly composed of armed squads which operate independently, with no central leadership or hierarchy.”

3) At the JCPA, Yoni Ben Menachem gives his view of the Palestinian Authority’s latest announcement concerning security cooperation with Israel.

“Abbas chose to announce his decision in a vague way that would allow him to subtly retract. His spokesman, Nabil Abu Roudeineh, announced that security coordination no longer exists as of now but refrained from explicitly stating that the PA had stopped it.

In practice, PA officials claim that regular meetings between IDF officers and Palestinian security forces officers have been stopped, but both sides understand that it is only a matter of time until contacts resume, as soon as the situation calms down.”

4) The Times of Israel has published a three part series (part one, part two, part three) called ‘Whispered in Gaza’ comprised of 25 short animated videos.

“Produced by the Center for Peace Communications, a New York nonprofit, they are being published by The Times of Israel because they represent a rare opportunity for ordinary, courageous Gazans to tell the world what life is like under the rule of Hamas. […]

The short clips — none of them longer than two and a half minutes — offer poignant insights into day-to-day life in the Strip, an area that most outsiders cannot reach and whose residents directly suffer from the consequent lack of understanding.

We meet ordinary people telling authentic stories about common problems that are drastically exacerbated by Hamas’s control, ordinary people with expectations and aspirations and dreams — from running a pharmacy to working as a journalist to simply dancing — that they are forbidden from realizing.”

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