BBC again ignores a story that conflicts its narrative on medical permits

Last week the Israel Security Agency announced the indictment of a man from Khan Younis in the Gaza Strip.

“According to the Shin Bet, the suspect — Suleiman Kassab, 29 — entered Israel with a permit but then remained in the country illegally.

Kassab was charged with carrying out two arson attacks in Ramle, one on September 30 and another on October 4. In the September attack, he is suspected of setting fire to a number of ceremonial booths, or sukkot, that had been set up for the Jewish festival of the same name, and in October, he is believed to have set fire to a bus. […]

According to the Shin Bet, Kassab had been recruited by the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades terror group to conduct “serious attacks in Israel,” such as bombings, kidnappings and shootings. However, he had received neither weaponry nor funding from the group in order to carry them out.”

The ISA reported that Kassab first entered Israel in January 2020 on a humanitarian permit to accompany his sick mother to medical treatment in PA controlled territory but that after the treatment he remained in Israel illegally.

In the past we have noted the BBC’s repeated failure to report stories which explain why counter-terrorism measures employed by Israel, including medical travel permits, are necessary. The corporation’s chosen narrative on that topic was expressed by BBC Radio 4’s Mishal Husain as follows in 2019:

“The fact remains that healthcare restrictions are being used to dehumanise the Palestinian people…” 

Sadly for BBC audiences, cases of abuse of medical travel permits for the purpose of terrorism such as this one are routinely ignored by the corporation’s journalists, meaning that their understanding of why Israel has to implement such measures is deliberately compromised. 

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  1. says: Robert

    The BBC has become the official Propaganda Broadcaster for all GLobal Terrorist Organizations attacking Israel. The BBC’s perpetual promotion of biased information is an endorsed action from the BBC Editorial Department.

    A viable solution is to lobby the current government, to cross-examine the editorial leadership of the BBC and hold them accountable for their biased and propaganda narratives, It is important to hold the BBC accountable for their broadcasts and possibly charge the Middle East Editorial Department with ” Incitement of domestic Terrorism.


  2. says: Grimey

    The BBC, by ignoring the reasons for Israel’s counter-actions again blatant aggression, continues to prove that it is an absolute enemy of Israel. It really is high time that its office in Jerusalem was closed.

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