
Weekend long read

1) The ITIC provides analysis on the topic of the rockets recently fired from the Jenin area. “Sin...

Weekend long read

1) The ITIC reports on ‘The Palestinian Authority attempts to restore its system of governance’....

Weekend long read

1) At WINEP, Assaf Orion discusses a topic that has to date been ignored by UK media outlets: ‘Hez...

Weekend long read

1) MEMRI reports on a recent spat between the Palestinian Authority and Al Jazeera. “Fatah and PA ...

Weekend long read

1) Globes carries an interview with Dr. Michael Barak of the ICT on the topic why Jenin has become f...

Weekend long read

1) The ITIC reports on ‘Palestinian Activity in Jenin in Reaction to the IDF Presence in Judea and...

Weekend long read

1) At the Moshe Dayan Center, Dr. Hay Eytan Cohen Yanarocak discusses the recent elections in Turkey...

Weekend long read

1) NGO Monitor explains how ‘Terror-linked and anti-Israel NGOs Exploit Children in Campaign to Bl...