Palestinian casualties in 2023 – the facts

As we have all too often had cause to note in recent months, the British media’s coverage of the deaths of Palestinians has repeatedly failed to adequately distinguish between civilian casualties and members of terrorist organisations or people – mostly male –  involved in acts of violence at the time.

CAMERA UK has been recording Palestinian casualties since the beginning of the year based on information provided by the ITIC and cross-checked with additional sources.

This resource will be updated periodically to include the latest verified information.

Key: AAMB – Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade (Fatah)

        PFLP – Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

        PIJ – Palestinian Islamic Jihad

        PASF – Palestinian Authority security forces

DFLP – Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine

PRC – Popular Resistance Committees

        c/t – counter-terrorism

January 2023:

February 2023:

March 2023:

April 2023:

May 2023:

Operation Shield and Arrow – Gaza Strip (May 9th – 13th):

Total fatalities – 33. Of which: 20 terror operatives, 3 killed by shortfall missiles launched by terrorist organisations, 10 uninvolved.


Green = Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) – 13

Red = Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) – 5

Orange = Mujahideen Brigades – 2

May (not including Operation Shield & Arrow): 21 killed, nine while carrying out or following terror attacks. At least 15 linked to terrorist organisations, 2 PASF.

June 2023:

June: 23 killed, six while carrying out or following terror attacks. At least 19 linked to terrorist organisations.

July 2023:

July: 28 killed, 9 while carrying out or following terror attacks. At least 18 affiliated with terror groups and 5 others affiliated with Fatah.

August 2023:

August: 20 killed, 5 while carrying out or following terror attacks. At least 14 affiliated with terror groups and 5 affiliated with Fatah.

September 2023:



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  1. says: David N

    Hopefully we will soon get an analysis of the c500 Gazans killed so far in this war. How many of them are really civilians??!

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