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UK Media Watch prompts correction to Sunday Times’ Israeli “atrocities” claim

The sentence in question runs counter to a fundamental rule of journalistic accuracy and professionalism – codified in the Editors’ Code of Practice in the UK – demands that reporters clearly “distinguish between comment, conjecture and fact”. As we wrote in our complaint to Times of London editors, though the “atrocities” referenced in the sentence clearly represents only the allegations of anti-Israel campaigners, the wording suggests to readers that that this is a fact.

UK Media Watch prompts Guardian correction to claim Tel Aviv is Israeli capital

This morning, we contacted Guardian editors and argued that the passage falsely suggests that Tel Aviv is Israel’s capital. We noted that, in 2012, the Guardian was forced to acknowledge that it is wrong to state that Tel Aviv is Israel’s capital, and that their style guide was updated to note that – regardless of the international community’s views on the status of the city – Jerusalem is the seat of government.

UK Media Watch prompts Telegraph correction to innacurate Michael Oren quote

Our colleague Gilead Ini recently posted at CAMERA about a fascinating row that erupted on Twitter and “then spread to journalists and their followers, and eventually to the pages of The New York Times.” Ini characterized it as “a series of misquotes, distortions, and out-of-context comments contributed to the idea that Michael Oren, Israel’s former ambassador to the U.S. and a current Knesset member, had advised Donald Trump to play up the Muslim background of the man who murdered 49 people at a Orlando nightclub”.