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Sky News Arabia gets it wrong on Judaism’s “holiest site”

Earlier this month, Sky News Arabia – a joint venture between the UK-based Sky News and Abu Dhabi Media Investment Corporation – joined the long list of news outlets who have falsely claimed that Jerusalem’s Western Wall is “Judaism’s holiest site”. The false claim was in an article, published in its website on March 8th, about a protest at the Western Wall compound by the organisation “Women of the Wall”. 

Guardian employs ‘What would Jesus think?’ trope to sell anti-Israel narrative

If the Guardian reporter wanted to really meditate upon what Jesus would think of the modern Jewish state, he could explore the state’s record in safeguarding the rights of its Christian community, and how this contrasts with the persecution of Christians in the rest of the Mid-East. Or, more relevant to the topic at hand, he could report on the state’s internationally recognised advances in water technology, such as desalination.

Guardian letter claims Corbyn is an “ally in fight against antisemitism”

Evidence of Corbyn’s antisemitism is ubiquitous, and includes: his support for countless anti-Semites and violent antisemitic extremists; his initial defence of an antisemitic mural; his co-sponsoring of a bill to eliminate Holocaust Memorial Day because it was ‘too Jewish’ in its focus; his othering of British Jews as not quite English; and his seeming indifference to the cesspit of antisemitism and antisemitic bullying by Labour activists.