Brian Whitaker

September 13, 2012
Guardian Live Blog on Middle East riots legitimizes Arab op-ed advancing conspiracy theory

July 31, 2012
“Bad taste” & “Wrong on so many levels” – Guardian’s ‘Comment is Free’

July 18, 2012
The Canary In The Guardian’s Coalmine

July 17, 2012
CiF Watch Schadenfreude Alert: Brian Whitaker taunts the Guardian on Twitter

July 15, 2012
A Guardian-Baathist Alliance? Syrian gov’t uses CiF essay for pro-regime propaganda

April 14, 2012
Jenin. Ten Years Since Something That Never Happened: A Learning Moment for the Guardian

February 26, 2012
Tweeting for Khader: Octavia Nasr’s latest terrorist crush

January 16, 2012
Guardian’s Simon Tisdall fears Romney’s belligerence (& Israel’s obsessive fears) may push U.S. to war

January 11, 2012