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June 11, 2014
Worst prediction about Israeli presidential vote goes to Times of London
June 8, 2014
Guardian culture critic characterizes Six Day War as the 'Israeli invasion of the West Bank'
June 6, 2014
One man's "illegal settlement" is another man's "historic Jewish homeland"
June 5, 2014
Following CiF Watch post, the Guardian quietly removes image of Camp Hamas
June 5, 2014
Rolling Stones ignore Harriet Sherwood's call to boycott Jews, & rock Tel Aviv!
June 3, 2014
Islamist Camp Ramah? The Guardian imagines a kinder, gentler Hamas
June 3, 2014
Brussels Jewish Museum shooting suspect – lessons for Europe
May 4, 2014
Fighting back against disruptions of Israeli performances and lectures in the UK
February 10, 2013