From our own Correspondent

March 14, 2016
BBC Radio 4 promotes politicised narrative about the Golan Heights

November 1, 2015
BBC explains why it can’t always report history accurately

October 27, 2015
BBC’s Connolly contorts Israeli – and British – history to fit his political narrative

October 24, 2015
More conspiracy theory amplification from BBC’s Yolande Knell – and why it matters

July 14, 2015
BBC’s Keyworth mainstreams an inaccurate political narrative

June 24, 2015
More BBC multiplatform mainstreaming of an anti-Israel trope

March 30, 2015
Misinformation from BBC’s Kevin Connolly on From Our Own Correspondent

March 8, 2015
How the BBC whitewashed the issue of women’s rights in Iran

December 30, 2014