Glenn Greenwald

July 1, 2016
Jeremy Corbyn, Glenn Greenwald and “progressive” antisemitism

April 18, 2016
Reminder to Times of London: Jews can certainly be antisemitic

January 18, 2015
Howard Jacobson examines the fanaticism of Glenn Greenwald

February 2, 2014
More wild Israel-lobby ‘trutherism’ at ‘Comment is Free’

January 9, 2014
Tyranny of the weak: Why the Guardian will support the next Palestinian Intifada

December 4, 2013
Has Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger exposed names of thousands of GCHQ personnel?

November 14, 2013
Praise for Max Blumenthal’s ‘I hate Israel handbook’ from David Duke and the usual suspects

November 11, 2013
Jewish Daily Forward ‘Top 50’ list includes “journalist” who promotes antisemitism

November 5, 2013