December 18, 2012
Guardian fails to take home top prize at 2012 Dishonest Reporting Awards
December 4, 2012
Does the Guardian own a map? Op-Ed falsely claims E-1 would cut West Bank in two
August 13, 2012
Righting the Guardian’s capital offense, and standing up for Israel
August 9, 2012
Continuing coverage of the Guardian’s ‘Capital’ humiliation: Headlines
August 8, 2012
The Guardian retracts lie that Tel Aviv is Israel’s capital!
July 18, 2012
The Guardian & BBC, and a tall tale regarding a Palestinian ‘switched at birth’ in Gaza
May 31, 2012
6 Secrets of Media Objectivity: What are the principles of fair news coverage?
March 21, 2012
U.N Rep Khulood Badawi caught in a blatant lie about Israel: Refuses to apologize
March 12, 2012