January 1, 2018
Reviewing BBC coverage of the UN GA Jerusalem vote – part three
December 29, 2017
Mapping the BBC’s branding of declarations on Jerusalem as ‘controversial’
December 18, 2017
BBC reports the parts of Abbas’ OIC speech that fit its narrative
December 18, 2017
The BBC WS finds a use for the word terror, misleads on Jerusalem
July 18, 2017
Why the BBC’s failure to cover faux outrage in Jerusalem matters in the UK
June 8, 2017
BBC fails (again) to give audiences the full story in UN HRC article
March 27, 2016
BBC fails to tell the whole story of UNHRC anti-Israel resolution
August 29, 2013
Guardian clashes with much of the Islamic world over U.S. military action in Syria
February 4, 2013