Palestinian National Authority
January 21, 2014
Another Guardian journalist falsely claims that Palestinians have abandoned terror
December 4, 2013
‘Arafat is still dead’: Guardian ‘mentions’ French report that he was NOT poisoned
November 7, 2013
Facts about Yasser Arafat’s death and life the Guardian won’t report
October 25, 2013
Analysis the Guardian won’t provide: Why Israel opposes UN forces in the Jordan Valley
September 26, 2013
The “Jewish community” comes under attack at Amnesty International event
September 17, 2013
CiF Watch prompts another UK media correction to Palestinian ‘political prisoner’ claim
March 28, 2013
11 years ago: How the Guardian reported 2002 Netanya Passover Massacre
March 2, 2013
Will Guardian report on Palestinian prisoner who died in ‘Palestinian Authority’ prison?
February 25, 2013