
December 4, 2018
Revisiting a BBC report on Israeli ‘accusation’ concerning Iran

August 14, 2017
Filling in the blanks in BBC reports on Hamas, Qatar and Iran

May 30, 2017
BBC News coverage of Iranian election touts ‘moderate’ Rouhani yet again

May 25, 2017
BBC WS ‘Newshour’ Trump trip report flunks on Iran

January 13, 2017
BBC does Iranian ‘moderates and reformists’ framing yet again

April 6, 2016
BBC framing of Iran’s president once again shown to be redundant

February 29, 2016
BBC News frames Iranian elections as victory for ‘reformists and moderates’

March 17, 2015
Why does the BBC continue to describe Rouhani as a ‘moderate’?

December 3, 2013