Where's Gilad?

If you are a regular of the Middle East section of CiF, you know that every little happening in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza is the subject of an article in one form or another. Well that’s not exactly correct not at least if its an article that doesn’t quite comport with the Guardian World View.

Last weekend, Israel was awash with news over the release of the Gilad Shalit video, the first real proof that Gilad is still alive since his kidnapping over three years ago. If you haven’t seen the video you can view it here.
The release of the video provided plenty of fodder for articles and editorials at other news outlets that maintain comment threads similar to CiF. For example, the editors of the New York Times thought that the video was a worthy topic of discussion for its readers. And the same goes for The Huffington Post, Ha’aretz, Times Online, The Independent, Ynetnews and The Jerusalem Post.
So what do you think CiF’s take on the release of the Gilad video was?
Yes you guessed it. Nothing, nada, jack, zip, zilch. Instead, readers were treated to a Seth Freedman piece on the weekend clashes in the Old City with a follow up piece from Mick Dumper.
So what motivated CiF not to run a piece on the Gilad video? Its not as if CiF lacks writers capable of producing an article on the subject matter.
I smell a rat. What do you think?

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