Weapon of Dress Destruction

This is a cross-post from Israellycool (for more on Richard Silverstein at Israellycool click here – check out the names that Aussie Dave has for this Theobald Jew – nincompoop is my favorite)
Anti-Israel loonblogger Richard Silverstein organized “a series of media and public events on the Iranian nuclear crisis,” which was designed to “explore ways of resolving the Iranian nuclear crisis through negotiation, rather than force.” Amongst the ideas expressed at this conference was that there “is no evidence so far that Iran is actively following a path that would lead to building a nuclear weapon.”
Silverstein, Jimmy Carter called and demanded back his delusions.
Silverstein promises that video will be posted shortly. For now, we will have to do with pictures from the conference, including this one of our silver friend.
richard silverstein sweater
Forget Iran’s impending nuclear weapon. Silverstein’s sweater should be banned as a weapon of mass destruction.
Not that we weren’t already aware of his dress sense.

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