Violence was Planned on the Mavi Marmara: "Ready to Fight"

This is a guest post by AKUS
The New York Times has re-posted what they claim is an Unedited Video of Israeli Raid shot by Iara Lee, a Brazilian-American filmmaker and activist who was shooting a documentary on the flotilla of ships that was intercepted two weeks ago on its way to Gaza. Iara Lee posted one hour of unedited video online that shows the early stages of the Israeli commando raid.
At approximately 15:50 minutes into the video we can hear two people talking in English. One is asking questions about what is to be expected when the Israel Navy diverts the Mavi Marmara, and the other is quite blunt about what is going to happen.
The following is an extract from the video shot by Iara Lee and posted on the NYT’s web-site, first exactly as it appears on the site, then repeated with the sound track slightly filtered to reduce the background noise of the ship and make the voices stand out more clearly.

Voice A: “They get held hostage or they get chucked off”
Voice B: “Chucked off?”
Voice A: “They get chucked off – they get thrown off.”

A few minutes later, Voice A explains things further for Voice B:

Voice A: “These guys … these Turks … they’re not like us … [we] come from an easy life … [they are not] just on a boat to Gaza…they’re always ready for these things.”

After a pause, Voice B expresses his concern, which is dismissed by Voice A:

Voice B: “So they’re ready to fight?”

Voice A: “Whatever happens.”

It is clear, therefore, that Voice A expected the Turks to violently resist the SEALs boarding the ship. This corroborates the testimony of the Mavi Marmara’s Captain and Chief Officer in which they explained how the IHH took control of the ship and prepared iron bars and chains with which to attack the Israeli SEALs as they rappelled down to the ship. In addition, Voice A makes it clear that he expected that there would be an attempt to throw the SEALs off the boat, as we have indeed seen in the video of the SEALs first descent onto the deck of the Mavi Marmara.
Whatever the intentions of some who thought they were on a humanitarian mission, it is clear from this video, just as from the testimony of the Captain and Chief Officer, that the IHH had planned a violent confrontation from the start.
In addition, clearly there was at least one English-speaking person who was well aware of the IHH’s intentions – they were ready for a fight and were planning violence – not a peaceful journey.

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